One Contagious Passion

Sherry Moorhead, Director of Volunteers, NewSpring Church

Unleash 2007 comments January 10, 2008

Filed under: Ministry,NewSpring,Volunteering — sherrymoorhead @ 3:56 pm

The comments below are from e-mails and blogs of many that attended Unleash 2007. These are just the parts that referred to the volunteers.

  • One of the highlights and soul stirring encounters for me was New Spring’s Greeter Ministry. THEY WERE FREAKIN’ SPECTACULAR! They had around 350 volunteers, on a Thursday, who caught the vision for this conference and gave their time to make us feel welcome. These people were remarkable in their attention to conference guests; offering their services; asking if they could assist in anyway; being mindful where you were; and always having authentic and genuine smiles and welcoming you with every word. It was a first and fantastic experience for me. This was the most hospitable church and welcoming people I have ever met.
  • Ryan and I were blown away by the Unleash Conference at Newspring Church yesterday. I was amazed at how they had enlisted a crew of about 400 enthusiastic volunteers — who gave us the warmest greeting I’ve ever experienced ANYWHERE in my whole life.  We walked up to the building and some smiling lady asked us where we were from. “Wisconsin”, I replied. “OH WOW!! WISCONSIN!!!! HEY EVERYBODY. . . THESE GUYS ARE ALL THE WAY FROM WISCONSIN!!!!”They cheered us into the church, as if we were Green Bay Packers, or the Pope, or somebody special like that!!
  • The conference was hosted by Newspring Church, and what a group of volunteers they were. Always smiling… ready to drop whatever they were doing to lend a hand… Amazing.
  • Throughout the day the people of Newspring Church were outstanding. I have never seen a group of volunteers that excited about serving.
  • …the New Spring Volunteers are the best I’ve seen this year without question.
  • We were very impressed by their volunteers. Now, we have great volunteers at NewPointe, but we were blown away by the friendliness, hospitality, and willingness to help of NewSpring’s volunteers at the conference. Very impressed. We left with some ideas of what we could do to help our volunteers take things to the next level.
  • Everybody on the Newspring staff that I have met (and all of the volunteers) have always been some of the greatest people around. They will bend over backwards to help other churches.
  • The volunteers at Newspring get it. Jesus is the heart of the ministry, Perry and the staff cast vision, and the volunteer ministers serve as the hands and feet. * How many times have you been cheered upon arrival at church? We arrived to a chorus of FBCPTC in the house. It is incredible to see people as excited about church as they are about March Madness! By the way everyone was cheered upon arrival, so celebration filled the air. * Unity in action. Regardless who you spoke to, the family at Newspring has a common vision.
  • Unleash was off the hook. It was hands down the most incredible thing I have ever experienced.
  • The hospitality was over the top. Unless you experienced it, I could never explain how friendly the volunteers of New Spring are. They were actually cheering as folks walked up from the parking lot to check-in area. I believe they were genuinely excited about us being there.  The food was great. And again, the volunteers served us like you can’t imagine.  To Perry (as though he’s actually readying my blog ☺) and the New Spring Team and Volunteers. You guys put together an unforgettable day of learning and growing and inspiration. I’m serious. This was a conference you had to experience to believe. And the way you guys ended to conference was worth the whole day.  Thanks…
  • As always, the New Spring volunteers were absolutely amazing. I heard one pastor say that they had a flat tire on the way in and that New Spring volunteers drove out and changed it for them! That’s the attitude that seems to permeate the entire volunteer culture of the church. It’s truly remarkable.
  • Perry made the comment that the sermon begins in the parking lot. From the time we registered on Wed. night to the time we left Thursday afternoon, we were constantly engaged by NewSpring’s incredible volunteer staff. They were there to help us find where we were going and they were great at letting us know how excited they were to be there. And most of them had to take a vacation day from work to help with the conference. They definitely have set the bar high, and it gives me something to really think about as we move forward as a church. They definitely made us feel welcome and I want to thank them for the giving of their time to make the conference successful. Well done!
  • I was served. The volunteers were awesome! I wanted for nothing. Except Benadryl. I was not prepared for the pollen attack I got when the vent in our rental van started blowing pollen in my face during our two hour drive to Anderson. So my friend and I went searching for Benadryl. A NewSpring volunteer gave me a children’s dose out of her own purse and another volunteer went to the store and bought me a whole box! Thank you!

            ***You guys blow my mind. Are you ready for Unleash 2008?


One Response to “Unleash 2007 comments”

  1. Leslie White Says:

    I am so stinkin ready for Unleash, I can’t stand it!! No one could have ever made me see what a life changing event that volunteer experience would be for me! For several years now I have had the great priviledge and unspeakable JOY in standing on God’s front steps at NS and welcoming folks into His house. Serving His flock ( and future “flock members”) brings great joy to me and I consider it an awesome honor that God has placed me there. But, standing on those same steps and welcoming His SERVANTS in the ministry from all over the nation to His house “cranked it up” for me! It was an incredibly humbling and inspiring day for me! There were so many feelings going on at once, they were just bubbling out of me: the love for my very generous church as they poured into all those ministries, the gratitude I felt at all those ministers from other churches being willing to seek knowledge and wisdom about reaching people for Jesus, how grateful I was for all the awesome NS volunteers that acted as Jesus’ hands and feet that day!! It totally changed the way I look at a lot of things and I am so grateful for those lessons! I LOVE my fellow volunteers and I thank each of you for your willingness to serve His flock! You guys are awesome and I am honored to serve along with you!!
    Peace and Grace,
    Leslie White

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